Beth Markel
I’m a 5th generation artist and quilt-maker who specializes in bright, bold, exciting art textiles. There are very few things in the art world I won’t try: develop/print my own B/W photographs, dye fabric in glorious vats of deep blue indigo, throwing pots, exploring ice-dye, and hiking trails to get the “perfect” shot of mountains in autumn.
Welcome to my colorful world!
While I started out throwing pots and loving my hands in the clay at an early age, I fell in love with photography as a teenager, and to this day take hundreds and hundreds of photographs each year. As a very young girl, I would sit under my grandmother’s quilting rack while she stitched. She helped me practice my spelling & memorizing the times tables. It was utterly sublime. Grandma Broyles was smart, kind, wise - and always, always encouraging.
Textile art is a happy marriage between the tactile and the visual.
Visual images intrigue me. The play of shadow and light is a common subject, as well as “everyday” images: stacks of black and white laundry hampers in a store; rows and rows of neatly organized nail polish, a remarkably bright orange Baltimore Oriole that lands on my feeder, and the first purple crocus poking their heads through the snow as winter fades to spring.
I believe we must look for beauty in the ordinary. Every day.
I’m passionate about color, visual repetition, texture, pattern, and good design.
© Beth Markel, 2012-2025, All Rights Reserved
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